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Statewide Term Contracts
Equipment Rentals
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermMichael S. Speakmon

This is a state term contract for equipment rental. To view the solicitation click on NASPO. 
Contact the vendor for specifics on placing an order against the contract.


Equipment Rentals
Start Date: 05/06/2021  |  End Date: 03/10/2026
Solicitation#: NASPO
Vendor: Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.
Contract#: 4400026148
Vendor#: 7000112066
Email: matt.rolfe@sunbeltrentals.com
Address: 2431 Deerfield Dr., Fort Mill, SC 291715
Phone#: (843) 339-0560
Pickup and delivery charges will be determined at the time the order is placed. However, the pickup and delivery charges will not exceed $120.00 each way and
$3.00 per loaded mile, plus the cost of any permits necessary to move certain pieces of equipment to and from the users location.  
Vendor Files/Links:
Sunbelt Rentals Master Agreement
Sunbelt Rentals Participating Addendum
Sunbelt Rentals Price List
Sunbelt Capabilities Brochure
Sunbelt South Carolina Market Capabilities
Contact: Matt Rolfe
Phone#: 843-339-0560
Email: matt.rolfe@sunbeltrentals.com
Contact: Lucas Shupe
Phone#: 803-626-6704
Email: lucas.shupe@sunbeltrentals.com
Vendor: United Rentals (North America), Inc.
Contract#: 4400026165
Vendor#: 7000035571
Email: jlaws@ur.com
Address: 100 First Stamford Place Suite 700, Stamford, CT 06902
Phone#: (504) 915-6013
Note: United Rentals has additional tabs on their pricing spreadsheet for additional services that are available under the contract.
Vendor Files/Links:
United Rentals Master Agreement
United Rentals Participating Addendum
United Rentals Price List Prior to September 18, 2022
United Rentals Price List After September 18, 2022
Contact: Brad Laws
Phone#: 504-915-6013
Email: jlaws@ur.com