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Statewide Term Contracts
Appliances & Kitchen Equipment
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermDeAna Reed-Sharpe803.896.6389


These are state term contracts for commercial/industrial grade appliances and kitchen equipment.  

The following items will necessarily be EXCLUDED from the contract until such time as their existing contract(s) expire:

  • Household appliances
  • Boilerless Steamers until current contract (4400016951) expiration on 08/28/2022.
  • Combi Ovens until current contracts (4400017694 and 4400019452) expiration on 12/17/2022.
  • Convection Ovens until current contracts (4400015314 and 4400019451) expiration on 02/06/2022.
  • Milkboxes and Warmers until current contracts (4400013628, 4400013629 and 4400019450) expiration on 08/01/2021.
  • Hot and Cold Pass Through Holding Units until current contract (4400021993) expires on 08/27/2024.
  • Used, remanufactured or refurbished products
  • Items within other State Term Contracts such as Disposable Food Trays, etc.


  1. There are two contracts associated with these items – one for Lot 1 and one for Lot 2.
  2. Lot 1:  Commercial Equipment – This category represents commercial or industrial grade appliances.
  3. Lot 2:  Small Wares - This category represents various serviceware, utensils, kitchen tools used to provide Food and Beverage service.
  4. Items listed in the vendor’s market basket response are available at the offered price in the spreadsheet for the initial term of the contract.  Items with an asterisk beside the model number are the items noted in the Exclusions above.
  5. Other models of appliances can be purchased at the offered discount off of the established catalog price at the time the order is placed.  After the initial contract term, the discount off of catalog price will be the purchase price for items in the market basket.
  6. As with the appliances, small ware items listed in the vendor’s market basket response are available at the offered price in the spreadsheet for the initial term of the contract.
  7. Other small ware items can be purchased at the offered discount off of Retail Price that is listed with the vendor and contract information that follows.  After the initial contract term, the discount off of catalog price will be the purchase price for items in the market basket.


Commercial Appliance price includes inside delivery, uncrate and set in place.  Any other custom installation requirements will be quoted and agreed to by the UGU prior to Contractor’s acceptance of the purchase order.

Haul-away and/or recycling of the appliance being replaced is optional.  If this service is requested and requires additional cost, that additional cost will be quoted and agreed to by the UGU before issuing the purchase order.


Appliances & Kitchen Equipment
Start Date: 04/14/2021  |  End Date: 04/13/2026
Contract#: Multiple Contract Numbers
Solicitation#: 5400020494
Vendor: Culinary Depot
Contract#: 4400025920
Vendor#: 7000138291
Email: Yitzis@culinarydepot.com
Address: 67 Rt. 59, Spring Valley, NY 10977
Phone#: 845-414-2230
Website: www.culinarydepotinc.com

Vendor Files/Links:
Lot 1: Commercial Equipment - Catalog Discount Listing
Culinary Depot Market Basket Pricing Sheet (Initial Term of Contract - contact vendor for new pricing after 4/13/2022)
Contact: Yitsy Shaps
Phone#: 845-414-2230
Email: yitzis@culinarydepot.com
Contact: Eli Potash
Phone#: 845-414-2230
Email: elip@culinarydepot.com
Vendor: Consolidated Mailing Services LLC
Contract#: 4400023605
Vendor#: 7000108075
Email: Bridget.Fisher@SunSolutionsUSA.com
Address: 1141 Silstar Road West Columbia SC 29170
Phone#: 803-791-1786
Contact: Bridget Fisher
Vendor: Sam Tell & Son Inc.
Contract#: 4400025921
Vendor#: 700075947
Email: governmentsales@samtell.com
Address: 300 Smith Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735
Phone#: 631-501-9700 ext. 1171
Fax#: 631-501-9709
Website: www.samtell.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Lot 2: Small Wares - Catalog Discount Listing
Sam Tell & Son Inc. Market Basket Pricing Sheet
Contact: Lisa Newman
Phone#: 631-501-9700 ext. 1171
Email: governmentsales@samtell.com