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Statewide Term Contracts
Education Consulting
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermDeAna Reed-Sharpe


The purpose of this contract is to establish service providers for education consulting services for the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE), Education Oversight Committee (EOC), school districts and all other education related Using Governmental Units (UGUs) in South Carolina.  Education Consultation Services are needed to provide expertise not available within the Department, Committee or education facilities and includes, but is not limited to, the following: education policy, services, testing, trends, and other education related issues.


All approved and qualified consultants appear on the qualified provider list (QPL) to be used by the UGUs.  Placement on the QPL does not guarantee a Contractor will be contracted by the EOC, SCDE, school districts or other UGUs to perform services. 


During the term of the contract, the state may add additional consultants to the approved provider list upon verification of the consultant’s qualifications as approved by the EOC, SCDE and/or State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Education Consulting
Start Date: 08/31/2021  |  End Date: 08/30/2026
Solicitation#: 5400020964
Qualified Provider List (QPL)
Engagement Agreement