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Statewide Term Contracts
Meals, Ready-To-Eat - Emergency Supplies
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermPortia Davis

The State entered into contract with the following vendors for MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) and Self Heating Meals. The award was made to the two lowest responsive and responsible vendors however there was only one vendor for Self Heating Meals.

Upon activation in times of emergency, the Materials Management Office, as established in the State Emergency Operations Plan operates Emergency Service Function 7, Resource Support. The Mission of ESF-7 is to provide or coordinate the provision of services, equipment and supplies to support expedient operations associated with a disaster or emergency; and for the approval and acquisition of equipment and supplies not available through normal purchasing channels and ordering timeframes.

Upon activation, purchase orders may be issued to support emergency operations. Delivery times are critical when conducting emergency operations. The SCEPD will notify contractors at Operating Condition 4 (OPCON 4) – Possibility of Emergency or Disaster Developing.

This contract is not limited for use only during support of emergency operations. It is available for use at any time during the contract.

MRE’S (Meals Ready To Eat) and Self heating Meals – Emergency Supplies
Start Date: 07/30/2022  |  End Date: 07/29/2027
Solicitation#: 5400022576
Vendor: Chef Minute Meals Inc (MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) – LOT 1)
Contract#: 4400028841
Vendor#: 7000196053
Email: treffer@chef5minutemeals.com
Address: 881 Mountain View Drive Piney Flats TN 37686
Phone#: 843-425-2168
Lot 1
Delivery within 24 hours  $4.75  $5.26
Delivery within 48 hours  $4.65 $5.15
Delivery within 72 hours  $4.50 $4.98
Delivery within 30 days  $4.30 $4.76

Lot 2
Self-Heating Meals Delivery within 48 hours   $4.47 $4.95
Contact: David Treffer
Phone#: 843-425-2168
Email: treffer@chef5minutemeals.com
Contact: Jennifer Lichtenstein
Phone#: 423-328-1245
Email: jennifer@chef5minutemeals.com
Contact: Tony Price
Phone#: 423-491-5946
Contact: Barry Sendel
Phone#: 423-926-0092
Email: barry.sendel@gmail.com
Vendor: SO-PAK-CO
Contract#: 4400028840
Vendor#: 700032764
Email: bjennings@sopakco.com
Address: PO Box 1047 Mullins SC 29574
Phone#: 843-464-7851
Lot 1 
Delivery within 24 hours  $5.63
Delivery within 48 hours  $5.63
Delivery within 72 hours  $5.63
Delivery within 30 days  $5.63

Lot 2 
Self-Heating Meals Delivery within 48 hours  $5.79
Contact: Cindy Graham
Phone#: 843-430-5814