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Statewide Term Contracts
Asbestos, Lead Paint & Mold Collection and Testing
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermDeAna Reed-Sharpe803.896.6389

Pricing for each Contractor is provided in the "Price List" link associated with that Contractor. There are up to seven pages in each attachment, each page providing pricing for the collection or testing of that type of sample.

The pricing for lab services (Pages 4 through 7) are based on the turn around time (TAT) of the type of sample and test. Only pages with pricing for the awarded services for each Contractor are visible. 

NOTE: UGUs that may require any test, TAT, or any combination thereof that is NOT specifically listed in the contract, may negotiate those fees with the Contractor. If the UGU deems the price fair and reasonable they may purchase the test under the terms of the contract.

Asbestos, Lead Paint & Mold Collection and Testing
Start Date: 05/20/2024  |  End Date: 05/19/2029
Solicitation#: 5400026429
Vendor: ABS Environmental Inc.
Contract#: 4400034372
Vendor#: 7000245695
Address: 1416 Chapin Road, Chapin, SC 29036
Website: https://absenv.wixsite.com/absenv
Vendor Files/Links:
ABS Environmental Inc. Price List
Contact: Lee Capell
Phone#: (803)345-3833
Email: lcapell@absenv.com
Vendor: Compliance Centre Inc.
Contract#: 4400034373
Vendor#: 7000139399
Address: 920 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, SC 29210
Website: https://compliancecentre.net/
Vendor Files/Links:
Compliance Centre Inc. Price List
Contact: J. Christy Brabham Smith
Phone#: (803)772-1430
Email: christy@compliancecentre.net
Vendor: CRANK Marketing Group LLC
Contract#: 4400034374
Vendor#: 7000321314
Address: 195 Sandy Springs Circle, Walterboro, SC 29488
Website: https://www.crankdigitalmarketing.com/government-contracting/
Vendor Files/Links:
CRANK Marketing Group LLC Price List
Contact: Cynthia Newman
Phone#: (843)909-3483
Email: cynthia@crankcontracting.com
Vendor: Crossroads Environmental LLC
Contract#: 4400034375
Vendor#: 7000125315
Address: 1258 Boiling Springs Road, Spartanburg, Sc 29303
Website: http://www.crossroadsenv.net
Vendor Files/Links:
Crossroads Environmental LLC Price List
Contact: Kay H. Horton
Phone#: (864)541-8736
Email: khorton@crossroadsenv.net
Vendor: F&ME Consultants Inc.
Contract#: 4400034376
Vendor#: 7000012872
Address: P.O. Box 23528, Columbia, SC 29224
Website: https://fmeconsultants.com/
Vendor Files/Links:
F&ME Consultants Inc. Price List
Contact: Glynn Ellen
Phone#: (803)479-8805
Email: gellen@fmeconsultants.com
Vendor: Iris Environmental Laboratories
Contract#: 4400034377
Vendor#: 7000348305
Address: 2333 US Highway 22 West, Union, NJ 07083
Website: https://irislaboratories.com/
Vendor Files/Links:
Iris Environmental Laboratories Price List
Contact: Mitch Baker
Phone#: (803)210-6230
Email: mitch@irisinspections.com
Contact: Rod Eustaquio
Phone#: (908)206-0073
Email: rod@irislaboratories.com
Vendor: Kleen Sites Geoservices Inc.
Contract#: 4400034378
Vendor#: 7000029394
Address: 2047 Industrial Boulevard, Lexington, SC 29072
Website: http://www.kleensites.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Kleen Sites Geoservices Inc. Price List
Contact: Dave Dunnagan
Phone#: (803)479-9294
Email: dave@kleensites.com
Vendor: S&ME, Inc.
Contract#: 4400034379
Vendor#: 7000307935
Address: 620 Wando Park Boulevard, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Website: https://www.smeinc.com/
Vendor Files/Links:
S&ME, Inc. Price List
Contact: Terry Richburg - Charleston Office
Phone#: (843)884-0005
Email: trichburg@smeinc.com
Contact: Tom Behnke - Columbia Office
Phone#: (803)561-9024
Email: tbehnke@smeinc.com
Contact: Travis Knight - Columbia Office
Phone#: (803)561-9024
Email: tknight@smeinc.com
Contact: Brian Mulholland - Greenville Office
Phone#: (864)297-9944
Email: bmulholland@smeinc.com
Contact: Jacob Foose - Greenville Office
Phone#: (864)297-9944
Email: jfoose@smeinc.com
Vendor: SJ2 Consultants LLC
Contract#: 4400034380
Vendor#: 7000314509
Address: 3504 Highway 153, 119, Greenville, SC 29611
Vendor Files/Links:
SJ2 Consultants LLC Price List
Contact: Jeffrey Gurrie
Phone#: (864)360-7572
Email: jgurrie@sj2consultants.com
Vendor: Terracon Consultants Inc.
Contract#: 4400034382
Vendor#: 7000188120
Address: 1800 Reynolds Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405
Website: https://www.terracon.com/
Vendor Files/Links:
Terracon Consultants Inc. Price List
Contact: Gene Partin
Phone#: (803)212-0064
Email: gene.partin@terracon.com
Vendor: UES Professional Solutions 29, Inc.
Contract#: 4400034592
Vendor#: 7000350715
Address: 10121 Pineville Distribution Street, Pineville, NC 28134
Vendor Files/Links:
UES Professional Solutions 29, Inc. Price List
Contact: Anthony Monk
Phone#: (704)965-9235
Email: amonk@teamues.com
Vendor: Asbestos Inspections LLC
Contract#: 4400036296
Vendor#: 7000216590
Address: 4686 Pee Dee Highway, Conway, SC 29527
Website: https://www.asbestosinspectionsllc.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Asbestos Inspections LLC Price List
Contact: Dawn Schoolcraft
Phone#: (843) 995-5197
Email: dschoolcraft1978@gmail.com
Vendor: ECS Southeast LLC
Contract#: 4400036297
Vendor#: 7000350632
Address: 5935 Rivers Avenue, Suite 105A, North Charleston, SC 29406
Website: https://ecslimited.com
Vendor Files/Links:
ECS Southeast LLC Price List
Contact: Lindsey Thompson, REM
Phone#: (864) 987-1818
Email: lthompson@ecslimited.com
Vendor: EMSL Analytical Inc.
Contract#: 4400036298
Vendor#: 7000218033
Address: 200 Route 130 North, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Website: https://laboratorytesting.com

Lab Services

Vendor Files/Links:
EMSL Analytical Inc. Price List
Contact: Jason McDonald
Phone#: (843) 958-8175
Email: jmcdonald@emsl.com
Vendor: G & P Construction Hauling and Environmental LLC
Vendor#: 7000224768
Email: https://g-p-constructionllc.com
Address: 310 Belair Road, North Augusta, SC 29841
Website: 4400036299
Vendor Files/Links:
G & P Construction Hauling and Environmental LLC Price List
Contact: Debra Pearson
Phone#: (803) 624-9735
Email: gpconstruction2018@gmail.com
Vendor: High Tide Environmental LLC
Contract#: 4400036330
Vendor#: 7000354169
Address: P.O. Box 59, Wadmalaw Island, SC 29487
Website: https://hightideenvironmental.com
Vendor Files/Links:
High Tide Environmental LLC Price List
Contact: James McMillan
Phone#: (843) 212-6883
Email: JLM@hightideenvironmental.com