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Statewide Term Contracts
Software (Microsoft)
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Information TechnologyStateTermStephen Taylor803.737.2772

The State has negotiated and entered four program agreements (Enterprise, Select Plus, Campus & School/EES, and Select Plus for Academic) directly with Microsoft that establish the overall licensing framework and the applicable terms and conditions for Authorized User use of in-scope Microsoft products. This contract is for the sale of those in-scope Microsoft products (to which one of the four program agreements apply) through a single Large Account Reseller of Microsoft. 

Start Date: 12/27/2024  |  End Date: 12/26/2031
Contract#: 4400035782
Solicitation#: 5400026992

Licensing Documents (microsoft.com)

Microsoft Product Terms (provides all offerings; terms may not apply)

Vendor: SHI International Corporation
Contract#: 4400035782
Vendor#: 7000339906
Address: PO BOX 952121 DALLAS TX 75395
Website: https://www.shi.com/

To request a quote, contact the SHI Southeast Sales Team at  SouthEastTeam@SHI.com

The State has reviewed the attached Microsoft Product Catalog to ensure all products and services included align with the in-scope parameters and exclusions provided in the solicitation. However, inadvertent inclusion of an out-of-scope product or service on any published product catalog should not be considered an alteration of the contract’s scope. If a mistake is discovered, UGUs should notify the assigned OSP Procurement Manager immediately.

Discount Schedule


Licensing Agreement Minimum Discount off MSRP
Enterprise Agreement Level D 18.15%
Select Agreement Level D 18.90%
Academic Agreement Level A 20.0%
Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) 8.10%


These program agreements do not contain applicable terms and conditions for the use of Azure, Intune, Dynamics CRM, or any Online Services offerings not hosted in Microsoft’s Government Cloud or Education Cloud.

Enterprise Agreement No. 7146928, effective April 9, 2020

  • Enterprise-wide commitment to at least one enterprise product/component and/or enterprise online service required
  • 3-year enrollment term commitments
  • Software Assurance included
  • Pricing Level D

Select Plus Agreement No. 8662131, effective July 1, 2013

  • Authorized Users to make "a la carte" purchases of licenses with no minimum purchase commitment
  • Software Assurance optional
  • Pricing Level D

EES / Campus and School Agreement No. X20-11402, effective November 15, 2022

  • For Qualified K-12 and Higher Education Institutions
  • Also known as “Enrollment for Education Solutions” (or EES)
  • Governs licensing of non-perpetual software i.e. subscription-based software and online services

Select Plus for Academic Agreement No. S7423652, effective August 30, 2013

  • For Qualified K-12 and Higher Education Institutions
  • Governs licensing of perpetual software
  • Pricing Level A

To request a quote, contact the SHI Microsoft Team at MSSOUTHEASTGOV@shi.com and CC Carly_Higginbotham@SHI.com.

Contact: State & Local Microsoft Inside Team
Email: MSSoutheastGov@shi.com
Contact: Steve Mikhail - State & Local Account Executive
Phone#: 864-906-1464
Email: steve_mikhail@shi.com
Contact: Carly Higginbotham - State & Local Microsoft Account Executive
Phone#: 919-219-7355
Email: Carly_Higginbotham@shi.com
Contact: Angela Leon - Microsoft Account Representative - Enterprise & Select Plus Licensing
Phone#: (803) 407-6262
Email: angela.leon@microsoft.com
Contact: Education Microsoft Inside Team
Email: southeastteamedu@shi.com
Contact: Corey Boyd - Education Account Executive
Email: corey_boyd@shi.com
Contact: Katie Welch - Education Microsoft Account Executive
Email: Katie_Welch@shi.com
Contact: David Miller - Microsoft Account Representative - Education
Phone#: 770-617-2662
Email: millerdavid@microsoft.com