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Statewide Term Contracts
Network Hardware and Firewall (Juniper)
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Information TechnologyStateTermClifton Sanders803.737.1959


The Office of State Procurement established a Statewide Term Contract for Juniper Network for the current items listed below:

  • Network Management and Operation Products
  • SDN Products
  • Routers
  • Switches
  • Security
  • Wireless
  • Maintenance
  • Professional Services
  • Training

This contract contains products and services that are eligible for E-Rate funding.

This contract contains products and services that are eligible for E-Rate funding. Not all products and services on this contract are eligible for E-Rate funding. Schools and libraries interested in using this contract for E-Rate purposes should consult with the Eligible Services List to determine if a product or service on this contract is eligible for E-Rate funding or not. For a current list of E-Rate eligible products and services, please visit https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/before-you-begin/eligible-services-list/.

Only eligible South Carolina school district, charter school and library UGUs (applicants) are allowed to use this contract for the purposes of applying for E-Rate program funding.

E-Rate rules require applicants to conduct a mini-bid if multiple vendors appear on this contract. To conduct a mini-bid, applicants must submit a request for pricing to all awarded vendors on this contract. There is no bid evaluation time requirement for mini-bids, however, it is recommended that applicants consider the complexity of the mini-bid scope of work when establishing a mini-bid submission deadline. For more information on conducting a mini-bid, please visit https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/selecting-service-providers/state-master-contracts/.

This contract may contain other E-Rate specific language such as the National Supply Chain Security, Red Light Rules, and Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) certification


Start Date: 06/01/2021  |  End Date: 05/31/2026
Contract#: 4400026217
Solicitation#: 5400021202
Discount % Off MSRP
  • Networking Software: 45%
  • Network Routers, Switches, Security, and Wireless: 45%
  • Maintenance, Professional Services, and Training: 15%
E-Rate Spin Number:  143028985
Price List
Ordering Instructions
Vendor: Juniper Networks Inc
Contract#: 4400026217
Vendor#: 7000230167
Address: 1133 Innovation Way Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Contact: Roxanne Bieniek
Phone#: 603-312-8350
Email: rbieniek@juniper.net
Contact: Eric Grimes
Phone#: 336-558-5966
Email: egrimes@juniper.net