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Statewide Term Contracts
Truck Bodies - Dump, Utility & Flatbed
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermMichael S. Speakmon803.737.9816


Items bid by Lee Transport Equipment in Lots 1 (Dump Bodies), 2 (Platform Bodies), 3 (Utility Bodies) and 4 (Slope Front Dump Bodies) meet SC DOT specifications and are approved for contract. All truck bodies bid by Lee Transport Equipment have been approved previously and SC DOT will not require pilot models.


If the Truck Body Contractor (Lee Transport) will be installing the body, delivery will be made within 30 days of Lee Transport’s receipt of chassis. If the Truck Body Contractor (Lee Transport) will NOT be installing the body, delivery will be made within 45 days ARO (after receipt of order). Please remember that the cost of delivery is included within a 25 mile radius of SC DOT’s Equipment Depot location on Shop Road. If delivery is to be outside that radius, a reasonable delivery charge is to be negotiated by the governmental entity and Lee Transport.

On August 22, 2023, the State executed a change order to extend the contract through October 31, 2024, or until a new contract is awarded, whichever comes first.

Truck Bodies - Dump, Utility & Flatbed
Start Date: 11/01/2021  |  End Date: 10/31/2024
Solicitation#: 5400021785
Vendor: Lee Transport Equipment, Inc.
Contract#: 4400027118
Vendor#: 7000050670
Email: bcecil@leetransport.net
Address: P.O. Box 26 Columbia, SC 29202
Phone#: (803) 799-7860
Vendor Files/Links:
Lot 1 - Dump Bodies Pricing & Specifications
Lot 2 - Platform Bodies Pricing & Specifications
Lot 3 - Utility Bodies Pricing & Specifications
Lot 4 - Slope Front Dump Bodies Pricing & Specifications
Contact: Bill Cecil