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Statewide Term Contracts
PCs, Servers, Storage, Peripherals (HP Inc.)
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Information TechnologyCooperativeYolanda Cohen803.737.9854

For HP Inc. desktops, laptops, tablets, and peripherals. 

Any and all leasing will be through the State Term Contract for IT Equipment Leasing with Ontario Investments, Inc.
Link to IT Equipment Leasing Contract Sheet

Important Note: Please review the SC Participating Addendum (PA) prior to purchase as it lists exclusions to each individual vendor's contract. At a minimum no vendor is allowed to sell: instructional packages; AV equipment; whiteboards; any item for which there is a state term contract; software, software maintenance, subscriptions or downloads (except operating software with initial purchase of equipment).  The only printers that are allowed under this contract is desktop.  Network printers are to be procured under the print management contract.

HP Inc.
Start Date: 11/01/2023  |  End Date: 06/30/2028
Contract#: 4400032658
Solicitation#: Master Agreement# 23011
NASPO Master Agreement
SC Participating Addendum
HP Price List
Vendor: HP Inc.
Contract#: 4400032658
Vendor#: 7000100206
Email: psorderprocessing@hp.com
Address: 14231 Tandem Blvd, Austin, TX 78728
Website: https://h20429.www2.hp.com/HP2B/naspo5/landingpages/NASPOVP5_main.html
Contact: Devyn Kennedy - Territory Account Manager
Phone#: (864)552-0560
Email: devyn.kennedy@hp.com
Contact: Wille Moreno Baez - Inside Account Manager
Phone#: 505.433.6883
Email: wille.baez-moreno@hp.com
Contact: Debra Lee - Escalations and NASPO ValuePoint Contract Manager
Phone#: 847-537-0344
Email: debra.lee@hp.com
Vendor: Applied Data Technologies
Contract#: 4400033167
Vendor#: 7000035423
Contact: Terri Barnes - Sales
Phone#: 800-267-1419
Email: terri.barnes@applieddatatech.com
Vendor: Bridgetek Solutions LLC
Contract#: 4400033194
Vendor#: 7000207039
Email: sales@bridgeteksolutions.com
Address: 744 E. Stone Avenue Greenville, SC 29601
Bridgetek Solutions, LLC (SC Vendor Number 7000207039) is now doing business as Lockstep Technology Group (SC Vendor Number 7000347556). The vendor records have been partnered in SCEIS.When issuing POs against this contract, SCEIS using agencies will need to add Lockstep Technology Group, Vendor # 7000347556 as the Invoicing Party.
Contact: Kelley Turpin, VP of Sales
Phone#: 704-517-3002
Email: sales@bridgeteksolutions.com
Contact: Holly Thompson, Director of Vendor Alliance
Phone#: 303-981-3080
Email: SCcontracts@lockstepgroup.com
Vendor: CDW Government
Contract#: 4400033195
Vendor#: 7000033346
Address: 230 N Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Contact: Ashley DiCiucio - Sales
Phone#: 312-705-1878
Email: ashlgri@cdwg.com
Vendor: Novatech Inc dba ManagedPrint
Contract#: 4400033196
Vendor#: 7000314685
Address: 3038 McNaughton Drive, Columbia, SC 29223
Contact: Valerie Ware - Sales
Phone#: 888-879-8288
Email: valeriew@managedprint.com
Vendor: SHI International Corp.
Contract#: 4400033197 
Vendor#: 7000339906
Address: 290 Davidson Ave, Somerset, NJ 08873
Contact: Steve Mikhail IT - Sales
Phone#: 864-906-1464
Email: steve_mikhail@shi.com
Vendor: Simplified Office Systems
Contract#: 4400033198
Vendor#: 7000170035
Address: 6220 Bush River Road Columbia, SC 29212
Contact: Kevin Hunter
Phone#: 888-914-7476
Email: kevin.hunter@mysimplifiedoffice.com
Vendor: Southern Computer Warehouse Inc
Contract#: 4400033199
Vendor#: 7000040736
Address: 1395 S Marietta Pkwy, Bldg 300, Ste 106, Marietta, GA 30067
Phone#: 770.579.8927
Contact: Regan DeCastro - Sales
Phone#: 877.468.6729
Email: regan.decastro@scw.com
Vendor: Vivacity Tech Pbc
Contract#: 4400033210
Vendor#: 7000267455
Address: 105 Ben Hamby Drive, Suite E Greenville, SC 55103
Phone#: 877.731.2069
Contact: Bo Patterson - Sales
Phone#: 877-731-2069 Ext 131
Email: bpatterson@vivacitytech.com
Vendor: Broadway Typewriter
Contract#: 4400033211
Vendor#: 7000250472
Address: 1055 6th Ave Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92101
Contact: Cathy Terzoli - Sales
Phone#: 800-998-9199
Email: cathy@areyjones.com
Vendor: Stratix Corp
Contract#: 4400033212
Vendor#: 7000323243
Address: 4920 Avalon Ridge Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30071
Contact: Meredith Campbell - Sales
Phone#: 404-775-7271
Email: meredith.campbell@stratixcorp.com
Vendor: Howard Industries, Inc.
Contract#: 4400033213
Vendor#: 7000034207
Address: 32 Howard Dr, Ellisville, MS 39437
Contact: Krystal Avery - Sae
Phone#: 601-339-5831
Email: kavery@howard.com
Vendor: TPM, Inc.
Contract#: 4400033214
Vendor#: 7000086544
Address: 1003 Laurens Rd, Greenville, SC 29607
Contact: John Wagner
Phone#: 803-414-9122
Email: johnwagner@tpm.com
Vendor: Herald Office Supply, Inc
Contract#: 4400033215
Vendor#: 7000027819
Address: 110 E Roosevelt St, Dillon, SC 29536
Contact: Matt Jordan
Phone#: 800-922-3535
Email: matt@heraldoffice.com
Vendor: Pinnacle Network Solutions
Contract#: 4400034024
Vendor#: 7000130414
Address: 823 West Evans St., Florence, SC 29501
Phone#: 843-662-1581
Fax#: 843-662-1685
Contact: Brent Tiller - Sales Contact
Phone#: 843-662-1581
Email: btiller@pinnaclens.com
Contact: Matt Glaz - Sales Contact
Phone#: 843-662-1581
Email: mglaz@pinnaclens.
Contact: Drake Deal - Sales Contact
Phone#: 843-662-1581
Email: drake@pinnaclens.com