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Statewide Term Contracts
Boats- Patrol & Rescue Fiberglass & Aluminum Hull
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermMichael S. Speakmon803.737.9816


Fiberglass Hull Boats 
Four different size V-hull boats (17’, 18’, 19’, and 22') and compatible trailers. These are fiberglass open water boats for patrol and Search and Rescue operations primarily on large lakes and open coastal waters.

Aluminum Hull Boats
Six different sizes aluminum hull boats (ranging from 15’ to 19.5’), trolling motors and compatible trailers. These are geared toward patrol and Search and Rescue operations in swamps, rivers and more sheltered water.

On July 23, 2024, the State executed a novation agreement and awarded the aluminum hull boat contract to Cove 2 Coast Marine. The contact and contract information is updated below. 

Fiberglass and Aluminum Hull Boats
Start Date: 07/01/2021  |  End Date: 06/30/2026
Solicitation#: 5400021309
Do not call the procurement manager for quotes; those must come from the vendor.
Vendor: Cove 2 Coast
Contract#: 4400035147
Vendor#: 7000358827
Address: 455 E Liberty St., Sumter, SC 29153
Phone#: 803-814-1514
Delivery is 90 days ARO.
Vendor Files/Links:
Price List
Contact: Zach Robertson
Phone#: O:803-814-1514 C:803-983-1886
Email: zach@cove2coastmarine.com
Vendor: Pioneer Boats
Contract#: 4400026192
Vendor#: 7000016820
Email: pioneergovboats@yahoo.com
Address: 208 Upchurch Lane, Walterboro, SC, 29488
Phone#: 843-834-6942
Delivery is 90 days ARO.
Vendor Files/Links:
Price List