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Statewide Term Contracts
Body Armor
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesCooperativeGinger Hardee803.737.0687

Users are to contact those contractors offering the type body armor they desire to purchase.  Discounts are off contractor's retail list.

Body Armor and Ballistic Resistant Products
Start Date: 05/12/2023  |  End Date: 11/10/2025
Solicitation#: NASPO ValuePoint Contract
Vendor: GH Armor Systems Inc.
Contract#: 4400031655
Vendor#: 7000197212
Email: customerservice@gharmorsystems.com
Address: 1 Sentry Drive, PO Box 280, Dover, TN 37058
Phone#: 606-219-5159
Website: https://www.gharmor.com
Purchased Orders should be issued to Authorized Dealers using the Dealer Contract number. 
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Authorized Dealers
Contact: Chris Grado, Managing Director
Phone#: 606-219-5159
Vendor: Point Blank Enterprises, Inc.
Contract#: 4400031653
Vendor#: 7000197571
Email: dkiefer@pbearmor.com
Address: 2102 SW 2nd Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Phone#: (954) 630 - 0900
Website: https://pointblankenterprises.com
Authorized Dealers 
Vendor No.  Contract No. Company  Contact Person  Telephone Email 
7000170275 4400033019 Dana Safety Supply  Mark Cowart  803-798-3670 mcowart@danasafetysupply.com
7000302190 4400033031 Read's Uniforms, LLC  David George  828-412-8999 david.george@readsuniforms.net 
7000212116 4400033030 Galls, LLC  Allen Becker  859-399-8231 becker-allen@galls.com
Purchase Orders should be issued to Authorized Dealers using the Dealer Contract number. 
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Contact: David Kiefer
Phone#: 336 – 880 - 5382
Vendor: Survival Armor
Contract#: 4400031656
Vendor#: 7000105009
Email: jeaninemason@survivalarmor.com
Address: 1261 Corporate Lakes Drive Unit #8 Fort Meyers, FL 33913
Phone#: (866) 868 – 5001, Ext. 104
Fax#: (239) 210-0898
Website: https://www.survivalarmor.com
Purchase Orders should be issued to Authorized Dealers using the Dealer Contract number. 
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Authorized Dealers
Price List
Contact: Jeanine Mason
Vendor: Safariland
Contract#: 4400031680
Vendor#: 7000137567
Email: Jaime.Marini@Safariland.com
Address: 13386 International Parkway, Jacksonville Fl 32218
Phone#: (904) 807 – 1928
Website: https://wwwsafariland.com

Authorized Dealer 
Vendor No.  Contract No.   Company  Contact  Telephone Email
7000231559 4400032999 Lawmen's Safety Supply, Inc. Ashley Pomerville 919-779-6141 ashley.pomerville@lawmens.com
Purchase Orders are to be sent to the Authorized Dealer.
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Vendor: Onyx Protective Group Inc.
Contract#: 4400031657
Vendor#: 7000336595
Email: swylie@onyxarmor.com
Address: 7359 N.W. 34 Street, Miami FL 33122
Phone#: (904) 631-705
Website: https://www.onyxarmor.com
Purchase Orders are to be sent to the Authorized Dealers.
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Authorized Dealers
Price List
Contact: Scotty Wylie
Vendor: Angel Armor LLC
Contract#: 4400031654
Vendor#: 7000253614
Email: aaron.pettigrew@angelarmor.com
Address: 4557 Denrose Ct., Fort Collins CO 80524
Phone#: 970-999-3027
Website: https://www.angelarmor.com

Authorized Dealers 
Company Contact Telephone  Email 
Angel Armor/ RMS Jesse Claeys Jesse Claeys 712-898-9858 jesse.claeys@angelarmor.com
Angel Armor/ Justin Turner  Justin Turner 970-235-2961 sales@angelarmor.com
All Purchase Orders should be made out to Angel Armor. Orders will be processed and invoiced directly by Angel Armor. 
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Contact: Aaron Pettigrew
Phone#: 970-999-3027
Email: aaron.pettigrew@angelarmor.com