Administrative & Judicial Decisions: Panel Orders
- Procurement Review Panel orders issued since Panel's inception. PDF image of original signed order.
- Appellate court opinions issued by an appellate body (circuit court, court of appeals, supreme court) in an appeal from a Panel order.
- CPO decisions in cases involving a published Panel order. (Since 1998)
- Alternate citations for appellate court opinions (e.g., circuit court case numbers).
- Case history for every posted order that has been appealed.
- Notations regarding precedential value (inconsistent).
- Orders are added within weeks of becoming available.
- For a specific order, select the appropriate year from the Year pull down menu. All decisions initiated in that year will be returned.
- To search by case name, enter a Case Caption Query Term.
- To search for subsequent history on a case, enter an Panel order number as a Case History Query Term.
- To retrieve all Panel orders, enter no query.
- Full text searching of Panel orders available on Westlaw®. Use database identifier SCPD.
- The Procurement Review Panel numbers each of its orders to reflect the year in which cases were filed and the order in which they were filed. For example, 1984-13 would represent the 13th case filed in 1984.
- In this database, opinions at all level of review are designated with the Panel's initial case number. Accordingly, an opinion's number may include a suffix: "C" for a circuit court order; "CA" for an opinion of the Court of Appeals; "S" for a South Carolina Supreme Court opinion; "CPO" for the decisions of the Chief Procurement Officer; "DSC" for the District of South Carolina; and "4th Cir" for a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals opinion.
- Some cases have multiple opinions. For example, a case appealed from the Procurement Review Panel to the South Carolina Supreme Court might include opinions numbered 1984-13, 1984-13C, 1984-13CA, and 1984-13S. If any one court issues more than one opinion, the opinions will be numbered sequentially with Roman numerals. For example, two Procurement Review Panel orders in the same case would appear as 1984-13 and 1984-13(II). Two circuit court orders in the same case would appear as 1992-9C and 1992-9C(II).