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Office of State Engineer (Construction)

The Office of State Engineer (OSE) is responsible for providing construction procurement procedures, training, approvals, and assistance on State construction projects.

A staff of Professional Engineers and Registered Architects with specialized training in the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code and construction codes, monitor State construction for life-safety code compliance, maximum value for the State, and fairness to all parties.   

2023 Hickory Knob State Facility Directors' Conference

(April 3, 2023)

The Office of State Engineer will be hosting its State Facility Directors Conference at Hickory Knob State Park on October 25 - 27, 2023!

The State Facilities Directors Conference has always been a great opportunity for the facility directors and staff of State Government agencies to share information with each other and with the Office of State Engineer. We try to tailor the topics presented to the “real world” questions and concerns that occur at the state agency level. 

Agencies will need to make reservations and pay for their own room at Hickory Knob State Park. Lodge rooms are being held under the name of the conference, so please reference that when you call. October is a busy month at Hickory Knob, so call and get your reservations in early!

Below you will find the Registration Form and Agenda for the conference. We look forward to seeing you all there!

OSE News

DRAFT 2023 Edition of the OSE Manual for Planning and Execution of State Permanent Improvements
(November 4, 2022)

The Office of the State Engineer is announcing the release of the proposed 2023 Edition of the Manual for Planning and Execution of State Permanent Improvements (“The Manual”).
Pursuant to Section 11-45-3240, interested parties may review the proposed 2023 Manual and provide comment during the period of 60 days from the initial publication of this notice in SCBO.
The Manual may be viewed at:


Red-lined copies of chapters and certain code tables with changes are posted. Any documents not posted, will not change from what is currently posted in the 2021 OSE Manual.


SCOSE VERSION OF AIA A201-2017 (August 1, 2022)

  1. Sections, .2 & .3 of the SCOSE Version of the AIA A201 has been modified as follows:
    1. The percentages listed to be charged for overhead and profit are now shown as “Not-to-Exceed” percentages.
    2. The Agency may set their own percentages in Article 16 or they may vary the percentage in each Change Order, as long as it does not exceed the limits shown.
  2. Page 2 of the SE-380, SE-381, SE-480, SE-780 & SE-880 have been modified as follows:
    1. The “Contractor Markup” section on Page 2 of the Change Order forms has been modified to allow the Agency or Contractor to fill in the calculated the amount of OH&P for each Change Order Request.
    2. These areas will no longer be filled in automatically; however, the totals will still be calculated.


Modifications are made to the SE-219, SE-220 and a new form has been added, the SE-221. The process change is as follows:

  1. Nothing will change through the interview process. After interviews are complete, you will email the new SE-219, Notification of Selection for Professional Services Contract to all firms responding to the invitation. This no longer triggers a protest period, and the Agency may immediately begin negotiating a contract with the selected firm.
  2. After the contract is negotiated, the Agency will submit the contract along with the new SE-220, Request for Concurrence in Posting Notice of Intent to Award Professional Services Contract, to OSE for approval.
  3. After OSE approves the SE-220, the Agency will post the new SE-221, Notice of Intent to Award Professional Services Contract. This posting now triggers the protest period that was previously triggered by the SE-219.
  4. If no protests are received within the time noted, the Agency may then sign the contract and proceed with the project.
  5. Projects where the old SE-219 has been posted will continue to follow the old process.

Sections 4.4.6, 4.4.9 and 4.4.10 of Chapter 4 in the OSE Manual have been revised to reflect these changes.

NOTE: This process also applies to the IDQ selection process (SE-619, SE-620 and SE-621).


Modifications are made to all amendment forms (SE-232, SE-260, SE-380, SE-381, SE-480 & SE-780). All these forms now have a Page 2. Page 2 will be used as follows:

  • SE-232 & SE-260

Page 2 to these forms will serve as an Amendment Request (and will be numbered as such) and will summarize the requested amendment amount with justification attached. The number for the request does not have to match the number of the amendment, as the Agency may group several requests together into one amendment. The amendment form (SE-232 or SE-260) will be signed by the Agency and sent to OSE for information or approval.

  • SE-380, SE-381, SE-480 & SE-780

Page 2 to these forms will serve as a Change Order Request (and will be numbered as such) and will summarize the requested change order amount and time with justification attached. The number for the request does not have to match the number of the change order, as the Agency may group several requests together into one change order. The change order form (SE-380, SE-381, SE-480 or SE-780) will be signed by the Agency and sent to OSE for information or approval.

The revised amendment and change order forms have only the Agency signature and OSE, if required. Due to security, our database will only allow these signatures on any forms.

The following sections in the OSE Manual have been revised to reflect these changes:

  • Chapter 4: 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.4
  • Chapter 7: 7.10.1.D
  • Chapter 11: 11.23.3.B.2, 11.23.1, 11.23.3, 11.28.1.A
  • Chapter 12: 12.25.1.A


Instead of submitting all documents to OSE at the end of the selection with the SE-220, we have broken it up and added the SE-212 and SE-219 to our database.

Now you will be submitting the forms for this process to OSE as follows:

  • SE-212 with SE-211 attached after the SE-212 is posted.
  • SE-219 with SE-214s, SE-215s, and SE-217 attached after the SE-219 is posted.
  • SE-220 with A/E contract signed by A/E but not by Agency for OSE approval before signing the contract.

These must be submitted in the order shown above. Sections 4.4.4.H and 4.4.6.C of Chapter 4 in the OSE Manual have been revised to reflect these changes.

NOTE: This process also applies to the IDQ selection process (SE-612, SE-619 and SE-620).