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Office of State Procurement
The Office of State Procurement (OSP) has the primary functions of conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits, and establishing State Term Contracts for use by all governmental bodies.  

A professional staff of Procurement Managers with specialized training on the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code and sourcing best practices are divided into four teams that are driven to provide customer service, guidance and oversight throughout the sourcing and contracting process.

There are two Agency Sourcing Teams conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits.  They are divided based on agency types: Higher Education/Law Enforcement and Human Services/Other Agencies.  
The two State Term Contracting Teams establish State Term Contracts for use by all governmental bodies.  They are divided based on commodity types: Goods & Services and Information Technology.

To reach a member of one of our teams, utilize the contact us page.