Home > Statewide Term Contracts > Daily Fuel Prices
Statewide Term Contracts
Daily Fuel Prices


NOTE:  Beginning January 1, 2024, the Superfund tax, which is one of the taxes applied to certain fuels, was increased and we were not aware of it.  During an attempt to get the proper tax rate loaded and applied to the fuel prices posted daily on our site, we discovered our website couldn’t make the proper calculations.  This was due to the fact that the new tax rate is measured six (6) digits after the decimal and our website was set to calculate down only to the fifth.  It’s now corrected and retroactively applied to all fuel prices beginning January 1, 2024, through today.  They are available in the usual location on our site here.

Please review any fuel purchases and invoices from that time frame to ensure the proper daily rate is applied as there was most likely a change to our posted numbers. If there are any discrepancies please work with the fuel provider to resolve those prior to contacting our office for assistance.

Prices and Information