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Agency Certification

What is Agency Certification?

All agencies have the authority to conduct procurements and award contracts for their own needs up to $50,000. This base authority is sometimes called “base certification.”  

Certification is a shorthand reference for procurement authority granted by the State Fiscal Accountability Authority (SFAA) to agencies for procurements exceeding $50,000. When SFAA grants such authority, it issues a certificate to the agency that identifies  the types of procurements they can conduct, and for each type, the dollar limits below which they can make direct procurements. To illustrate, a sample certificate is attached below.

Certified Agency Listing

The Office of Audit and Certification, a subdivision of Procurement Services, maintains a list of all the agencies which SFAA has granted procurement authority, or "certified". This Certified Agency Listing does not include agencies that have only the statutory authority for contracts up to $50,000.